Auxilia Festival 2024

A look at the amazing Auxilia festival held at the superb Park In The Past this June, featuring Romans from the conquest of Britain through to the end of the occupation,

Magister Militum were proud to attend the second weekend of the Auxilia - Rome's Cutting Edge festival on the 1st and 2nd of June. This two-week festival, held at Park in The Past, sought to bring to light the weaponry, skills, and culture of the men who made up this intriguing branch of the early imperial military. 

The site for this event is simply stunning, and we were so pleased to see how the fortifications and infrastructure had been upgraded since our previous visit, from corner watchtowers and a functional barracks block to a working fabrica (workshop) and fully-stocked taverna serving on-tap beverages, home-made mead, and delicious meals. For this, we extend our best wishes and admiration to the tireless team behind this incredible site. The Deva Victrix Legion XX team, led by the superb Paul Harston, deserve endless praise for their commitment, passion, and tenacity in seeing this immense effort come to life. We can't wait to see how the site progresses in the coming months, particularly the next planned structure which is a two-story principa (headquarters building) in the centre of the site. (Seriously, if you haven't checked out this site or the groups involved, please do - the work they are doing is tireless and incredible, and they deserve all the support they can get:

Whilst no auxiliaries were present in the late Roman army (save the auxilia palatina regiments, whose nomenclature of "auxilia" is simply a unit size indicator), Magister Militum were excited to explain to the public how those units with unique skillsets, trades, and cultures helped shape the face of the 4th century army which we represent. Our setup included an officer's section with well-equipped tents for a weekend, maps and logistical documents, weapons and armour, and objects of day-to-day life. This was supported by our gamekeeper, bringing along furs, pelts, and the necessary equipment by which a senior officer crew on a weekend soujourn might hunt for sport or food. Finally, we were proud to be joined by our Barcarius ally, the inimitable Francis Hagan of The Barcarii, demonstrating the equipment of a British legionary of the period as well as extensive woodworking equipment befitting a naval unit such as the Barcarii. 

We would like to extend our huge thanks to the organisers at XX Legio Deva Victrix for letting us attend this incredible event - the weather was delightful, the public amicable, and the company unbeatable. A magnificent time was had by all, and we look forward to the next one!

Auxilia Festival 2024
Ross Cronshaw
By Ross Cronshaw
Group member Tony patrolling the walls as a heavy infantryman
Group member Ross representing the Magister on parade
Group members Ross and Dan representing officers on parade
Group member Dan sporting Tony's Berkasovo helmet
Heavy infantryman ready for action
The Magister meets with the garrison commander
Group members Tony and Ross in off-duty kit
Inside the Magister's tent
Group members Tony and Ross with Cellan from the XX Legion
Collection of items for the commander's writing and logistic display
Maps of the empire featuring fabricae and Britannia made by Nicholas Geering
Demonstrating a codex version of Arrian's taktika contra alani, made by Nicholas Geering
Notitia Dignitatum, made by Nicholas Geering
Collection of items for the commander's writing and logistic display
Demonstrating a codex version of Arrian's taktika contra alani, made by Nicholas Geering
Demonstrating the Notitia Dignitatum and a Roman calendar, made by Nicholas Geering
Demonstrating the Notitia Dignitatum and a Roman calendar, made by Nicholas Geering
Demonstrating the Notitia Dignitatum and a Roman calendar, made by Nicholas Geering
Demonstrating a map of Strasbourg and a Roman calendar, made by Nicholas Geering
Relaxing during a break from the crowds
Group member Ross' tent for the weekend
Group member Tony's tent for the weekend
Setting up the display for the weekend
Handling a real Scythian sword dated to the founding of Rome, courtesy of Nick Hellas
Preparing the display for the weekend
Relaxing for the evening round the fire
Group member Ross representing the Magister Militum
Group member Mike demonstrating nets, pelts, and hunting
Group member Daniel representing a vexillarius of the Ioviani
Relaxing with a drink after a hot day
Intellectual discussions in progress
The Magister Militum and Barcarii team for the weekend